Classroom Manager + Content Filter Product Updates
NEW Features Added To Classroom Manager and Content Filter
Our Content Filter product is currently available for schools and libraries of all sizes. Make sure to schedule your demo and start your free trial today so that you’ll be first in line for special Classroom Manager bundle pricing!
Meanwhile, Classroom Manager is coming soon and will integrate seamlessly with Content Filter. Our customer success and product engineer teams are working hard to collect and implement user feedback in the beta product.
Both Content Filer and Classroom Manager have received some exciting new features directly based on feedback from K12 techs and teachers like you. Here are a few that you can look forward to.
Content Filter: Precise Device Location Tracking
NEW to Content Filter, admins can now selectively access the precise location of a device with the extension installed.
You can still get the general location for any device under management. Now, you can also choose to track a specific device for 24 hours to get its precise location, providing that it comes online during that time. A great use case for this is when a device is reported as lost or stolen. Another potential use case for this could be if a student is reported as missing.
Classroom Manager: Follow Me
Students who access additional services during classroom hours, such as speech therapy for example, will have a much easier time going from one to the other.
When students are added to another Class, they will be automatically removed from the Class they were previously in. The transition is seamless for the student and teachers alike—no need to ask the teacher to remove them from the Class.
Classroom Manager: Focus Mode
Classroom Manager will now roll out with what could basically be described as a focus mode easy button. Using Focus Mode, teachers can easily move and keep all students in the class on one or a selection of browser tabs.
Both: Admin Panel
Perhaps the most requested features from our early adopters are expanded admin capabilities. The early rendition of the admin panel in Classroom Manager will include useful features like a view of all Classes and Scenes that have been created and if they’re active, the ability to edit, delete, stop, and start a Class or Scene, and adding or removing students from Classes.
The admin panel will exist in Content Filter, which will help streamline and simplify your workflow.
Classroom Manager is coming soon, but you can be among the first to get updates on development, new features, timelines, and special launch deals TODAY. Simply let us know by filling out this form and we’ll add you to the Classroom Manager pre-launch list: